Business (IB)

Bachelor International Business (IB)

The Bachelor International Business (IB) caters to the needs of the international business community and prepares you for a future in, for example, trading companies, production or retail companies and of course multinationals. Graduates of International Business (IB), through their insight, knowledge and transferable skills, are prepared for the workforce and a wide range of careers in international agencies, governmental organizations and the global private sector on an international scale.

Possible careers
Your position within these kinds of organizations could be:

  • Export Manager
  • Area Manager
  • Account Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Product Manager
  • Trade Consultant
  • International Entrepreneur
  • Business Consultant
  • Supply Chain Manager

The educational characteristics of The University of the Dutch Caribbean (UDC) are based upon a didactical concept of four learning dimensions:

  • Acquiring the Body of Knowledge
  • Training the Body of Skills
  • Developing a professional attitude
  • Integration of these dimensions in complex (individual and group) assignments

Every dimension consists of educational units (EU), including descriptions of Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and assignments. The aim is to challenge students to actively study and participate, to show their maximum potential. The integrated assignments train the students in cooperation in a complex professional environment. Professional Personal Development supports the student in the process of integrating learning and working experiences in their personal build-up. The curriculum of IBS-IB consists of two phases: the propaedeutical phase (year 1) and the main phase. Both have a four-block structure per year and are offered in a fulltime and part time program.

The educational units of IB are structured in four dimensions: knowledge, skills, attitude and integration. EU’s are designed in a concentric structure, each component building upon preexisting knowledge and skills. All EU’s are assigned according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), each EC stand for a study load of 28 hours, combining lectures, self-study and project work. Every EU is assessed and if passed successfully, rewarded with the appropriate number of EC’s.

In the 1st year (propaedeutical phase) you get a broad foundation in all areas of international business. You also study a second foreign language apart from English. And you work on your research and critical thinking skills. Students are orienting themselves on their studies and professions in their first year. Therefor the training in year one is basic and aims to facilitate students to relatively easy switching of IBS – specialism. You will gain insight into business processes and company cultures, various management styles and the management of financial resources, and learn about the organization of a business.

Issues like international law and social context will also be discussed, and we will touch upon various business cultures and trends. Key courses like: Economics, Cost Accounting, Strategic Marketing, Corporate Governance, International Law, Social Media, Intercultural Competences.

Language is the key instrument of IB. Among your skills are presenting in English and possessing a working proficiency in an other language. This program functions and trains for the region of the former Dutch Antilles. This region is characterized by a multilingual and international character.

The main phase follows the structure of the first year. This phase embodies two to three years, dependent on previous expertise and commitment of the individual student. The main phase aims to deepen the knowledge of the student, to practice the learning in an (international) internship and to prepare the graduation dossier consisting of products, based upon solid research. The nominal main phase consists of 12 blocks, 4 internally, 4 externally and 4 optional (minor and research).

During your 2nd, 3rd and 4th years, you gain more in-depth knowledge and skills in the field of international business. You also get practical experience during your work placement/Internship (Study Abroad) and graduation assignment. Key courses like: Social Context, Strategic HRM, Economics, Project management, Export planning, Export management, Professional Research. We prefer that you do your internship in a foreign country (full time students) because when you go abroad, you learn to deal with different cultures and different ways of doing business in real life. Students (full time) are therefore required to spend at least one semester abroad during the IB study. The year is concluded with a practical professional graduation project.


  • Are you interested in business?
  • Do you have a flair for languages?
  • Do you dare to cross borders?
  • Are you interested in other cultures?
  • Are you willing to explore new opportunities?
  • Do you like to travel?
  • Are you interested in international trends?
  • Are you interested in international organizations?

Then this is your study for an international career! GO FOR IT!


  1. Recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Netherlands Antilles / Curaçao
  2. Personal and practical approach
  3. Internship – Study Abroad
  4. Program in English
  5. Faculty staff International orientated
  6. Professional, practical business cases
  7. International minors
  8. Personal Development Program (PDP) & study skills
  9. Adequate connection to the local & international labor market
  10. Study funding (SSC)

Secondary education and fluency in English Certificate of secondary education that is at a comparable level to Antillean/Dutch secondary education: e.g. Havo or Vwo, Level 4 diploma from a SBO / MBO college, International Baccalaureate, General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE-A level), High school with A or B grades

Proof of English language proficiency. As the program is taught in English, a sufficient level of fluency in English is needed.

Do you not meet the admission requirements? If your diploma does not meet pre-education requirements and you are aged 21 years and over you can participate in the 21+ test before the start of the program. This research consists of one general English language and calculation test and a student motivation test. If you conduct this research successfully, you will be admitted.